Stafforshire Terrier Puppies.
Text inzerátu:
These beautiful fluff balls with an amazing temperament are great for children and other family pets. They are often called the "teddy bear" breed, they are extremely cute and adorable, loving, attentive, playful and intelligent, which makes them fantastic family pets. They are also non-shelling and hypoallergenic. WHATSAPP +48732085436
These beautiful fluff balls with an amazing temperament are great for children and other family pets. They are often called the "teddy bear" breed, they are extremely cute and adorable, loving, attentive, playful and intelligent, which makes them fantastic family pets. They are also non-shelling and hypoallergenic. WHATSAPP +48732085436
Inzerát vložen: 19.11.2020
Cena: cena v textu
Jméno: jacene
Kontakt: +48732085436
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