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Cena: 100000
Universal Ssd Chemical Solution and Activation Powder +27839387284 with Website: in South Africa, USA, United Kingdom, Brazil, Namibia, Sudan, South Sudan, Turkey, Swaziland, Colombia, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahamas, Finland, Switzerland, Australia, Austria, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Macedonia, Kazakhstan, Morocco, France, Vietnam, Russia, Mexico, Japan, Hong Kong, Philippines, Egypt, Bangladesh, South Korea, Iran, Thailand, Canada, Poland, Iceland, Wales, Scotland, Netherland, Croatia, Peru, Mozambique, Madagascar, Malawi, Botswana, Namibia, Nepal, Venezuela, Malaysia, Uzbekistan, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Czech Republic (Czech), Dominican Republic, Cuba, Belgium, Bolivia, Tunisia, Greece, Hungary, United Arab Emirates, Honduras, Sweden, Azerbaijan, Portugal, Tajikistan, Belarus, Togo, Bulgaria, Paraguay, Laos, Denmark, Kyrgyzstan, Nicaragua, Lebanon, Slovakia, Norway, Oman, Liberia, Armenia, Mongolia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Uruguay, Georgia, Albania, Lithuania, Bahrain, Estonia, Comoros. It was formed to assist Countries, Governments, Banks, Companies and Businessmen to clean their coated or defaced Bank Notes that was transformed during transportation to secure the money from high Jackers, Terrorists and many more.... Our Ssd Chemical Solution Company was first based in Southern Africa and bunch in USA, Asia, Europe, Switzerland but for security reasons in was permanently Stayed in Southern Africa to a more secured location. Our Company is operated by worldwide science associates for the UN department of currency. We have scientist, engineers, technicians and supportive staffs. We deal with chemicals to clean defaced Money and also offer technical assistance. We attend to all clients irrespective of the distance. Our technicians are professionally trained to handle both cleaning by manual and most recent machine. After a proper negotiation with our client we are able to immediately dispatch a technician to his country to handle his consignment. ​Our SSD automatic solution cleans all bank notes no matter the currency, color or how long the money has lasted in it decoded mode we have our specialize technicians that do clean cleaning for our clients all over the world after reaching an agreement with the client. we also offer machines used to do big cleanings. We supply SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION specialized in cleaning all types of defaced bank notes, black bank notes, anti-breeze, stamped, marked or stained currency. We melt and re-activate frozen chemicals and offer cleaning services for anti-breeze bills. The SSD solution it\'s in full range is the BEST CHEMICAL in the market for cleaning Anti breeze bank notes, defaced currency and marked notes. You will be amazed by the activation powder and rapidity of this Chemical. It is capable of cleaning notes/currency with Breeze capacity. We offer machines for large cleaning and also deliver products to any location desired by buyers. We are manufacturer and seller of different types of chemicals for cleaning of defaced/black notes which includes SSD SOLUTION, SUPER AUTOMATIC SOLUTION, VECTROL PASTE, ACTIVATION POWDER, TEBI-MAGNETIC SOLUTION. We also clean notes on percentage. We have the right chemical that can clean perfectly any kind of defaced currency, black, red, green or white without leaving any stain on the notes after cleaning. For More information on Chemical Solution Contact below, Call / WhatsApp: +27839387284 Doctor Morris Email: Our Products: Our Ssd Solution Laboratory Produces a range of chemicals, powders to be used to clean all types of bank notes and also has the CLS Laser cleaning machine to handle worse cases of bank notes. Our products vary from : Humine Activation SSD Solution SSD super Solution SSD Super Automatic Solution SSD PK58 Solution SSD Universal Solution SSD Master Solution SSD D2 Fuse Solution SSD Virus Term Solution With the use of all the above chemicals, Our technicians are able to clean black or defaced bank notes of US dollar, Canadian Dollar, Australian Dollar, Euro, Pounds, Swiss Francs, Kuwaiti Dinar, South African Rand, Egyptian Pound, Japanese Yen, Ghana Cedes, Korean Won, Chinese Renminbi, Thailand Baht, Brazilian Real, Central African Francs, Rupees and all other local currencies and restore back to original. For More information on Chemical Solution Contact below, Call / WhatsApp: +27839387284 Doctor Morris Email:
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